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Blake Talabis

Dance, Movement, Travel, Lifestyle, Family, Community


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Originally from Toronto, you may have seen me in a lot of diverse roles like ‘Young Diego’ in Netflix’s “Umbrella Academy” and ‘Anthony’ in “The Next Step”. Starting my artistic journey in childhood, I mastered a wide array of dance disciplines, which helped me realize my love of the arts. As a member of the Opus Dance Collective, I continue to refine my craft with a mix of discipline and passion. Known for my professionalism and the positive impact I bring to projects, I aim to inspire my peers and consistently set high benchmarks for success in the entertainment industry.

I have a large global community who 30% Canadian are with high engagement rates in places as far as Trinidad and Tobago, India and Brazil and more. My followers are 66% male and primarly Gen Z and Millenials. My community is interested in Music, Clothing, Art, family and relationships and more.