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Hunter Royal

Non Union

Hunter Royal is a passionate young performer specializing in acting, dancing, and singing. He has honed his talent for quickly learning lines, delivered compelling performances in numerous full-length musicals, and can effortlessly embody the personalities of the characters he portrays.

Hunter’s artistic journey has been nurtured through formal training in dance and singing, augmented by consistent private lessons and group classes. He is dedicated to his craft and strives to elevate his acting skills through a variety of classes, underlining his commitment to his career. In the past four years, Hunter has immersed himself in intensive musical theatre training, developing a comprehensive skill set in dancing, acting, and singing. This invaluable knowledge propels him forward in his aspirations to make a significant impact in the industry.

He is known for his dynamic personality, and thrives in situations that allow him to meet new people and perform in fast-paced environments. Hunters ability to perform under pressure is reflected in his recent achievements at regional dance competitions where he won numerous accolades.

In his spare time, Hunter likes to engage in physical activities such as practicing tricks and flips on his trampoline and playing basketball. These activities enhance his agility and coordination, adding to the physical prowess necessary for performance arts.

Hunters dedication, skills, and passion combine to create a young performer prepared to face the challenging yet rewarding world of acting and performance.