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Zahara Emiliine Edwards
Non Union
Starting as a gymnast for ten years then on to a dancer for another two Zahara Emiline Edwards has always been passionate about performing and pushing herself. As an actor Zahara is inclined to perform scenes that push her out of her comfort zone. Zahara is one of the two female leads of her school play, playing Gwendolyn Fairfax in the Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde whilst executive producing the play. From her peers she is known as someone anyone can go to for help and always has a good attitude that lifts people up. When Zahara isn’t acting she is reading, as reading gives her a better understanding of the world around her allowing her to portray characters more truthfully. Zahara in her neighborhood is also known as a baker. Baking for her friends and family her specialty is scones and brown butter cookies. At her school Zahara is part of her Black Student Alliance, Latin Club, Creative Writing Club, MainStage and is a junior captain of the cheer team. Most of Zahara’s fondest school memories are at football games cheering people on and choreographing cheers and halftime shows for her team.
Zahara’s family has a running joke that either you are an actor or a lawyer. Zahara has obviously chosen the acting route. Her parents and grandparents have dedicated their lives to helping people. To be surrounded by that energy at a young age has given her a great support system. Currently Zahara is doing her school play focusing on more of the producing side getting closer to opening night.